AgileWriter - Biography and History
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Biography and History
AgileWriter is a collection of biography and history articles written by Ken Padgett.
History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time; it illuminates reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance in daily life and brings us tidings of antiquity.
Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC)
No great man lives in vain. The history of the world is but the biography of great men.
Thomas Carlyle (1795 - 1881)
Thomas Adams The Man Who Put the Chicle in Chiclets was also the first to introduce vending machines in America. |
Edwin H Armstrong Edwin H. Armstrong's story is a cautionary tale about what can happen to an individual when large corporations use their enormous power to steal ideas from small inventors. |
The Assassins History's first terrorists were fed a steady diet of hashish and willing maidens till they were called upon to perform a suicide mission. |
The Rise and Fall of Bank of America
Bank of America's satisfaction rating among its customers is now the lowest by far of any major bank.
The History of Barbecue Early humans soon realized that meat tastes a lot better cooked than it does raw, and that slow-cooked meat tastes even better and is a lot easier to chew. |
P. T. Barnum
The art of spectacle reached it's zenith during the Gilded Age in America and PT Barnum was it's greatest protagonist. He was called " The Prince of Humbugs."
The Cherry Capital of the World Michigan's cherry production represents about 75 percent of the tart cherries and 20 percent of the sweet cherries grown annually in the United States. |
The National Cherry Festival The National Cherry Festival in Traverse City, Michigan began in 1925 and is held every year in early July. |
Nellie Bly Nellie Bly was the pen name of Elizabeth Jane Cochrane, one of America's first woman journalists and a pioneer of investigative reporting. |
Caligula The Emperor of Rome from 37 - 41 AD is remembered as a vicious and cruel despot, a sadist and a megalomaniac. |
The History of Dogs From Wolf to Woof! How dogs become man's best friend. |
Dr. Charles Richard Drew Every blood bank in the world is a living memorial to the genius of Doctor Charles Richard Drew, a pioneer in the science of blood preservation. |
Thomas Edison's Research Laboratory Edison's greatest invention was his Menlo Park research lab, because it organized and managed the process of inventing new products. |
A. P. Giannini The founder of Bank of America was the first to challenge the unwritten rule that banks should only lend money to people who don't need it |
A History of Guerrilla Warfare
Part 1: The Beginnings of Army Special Operations
Part 3: The U.S. Army Rangers during World War II
Jimmy Hoffa When the former President of the Teamsters became a liability, the Mafia made him disappear. |
The House of David How a Fortune was Built on Hosannas and Hospitality |
Michigan's Lumber Boom During the 19th century, Michigan's forests yielded more money and created more millionaires than did all the gold mined during California's Gold Rush. |
Master Juba All tap dancers today acknowledge William Henry Lane as the creator of tap and celebrate his many contributions to modern dance. |
Doctors. John & William Kellogg One brother wanted to fill your bowl, the other wanted to empty your bowel. |
The History of Military Identification Tags Dog tags have evolved from crude wooden discs that were used in the Civil War to today's high-tech "Personal Information Carrier" (PIC) |
Akio Morita The founder of Sony was responsible for the development of the first pocket radio, the Walkman portable cassette player, and the Betamax video recorder. |
New York City History Before the 20th Century How the first capital city of the United States evolved from Man-a-hat-ta to modern New York City. |
Satchel Paige The most famous Negro League player was as entertaining a personality as he was skillful as a pitcher. |
The Phantom Army How US Intelligence fooled Hitler into believing that the D-Day landings were just a feint--until it was too late. |
Gavrilo Princip The spark that ignited World War I was a radical student who thought he could free Bosnia from the grip of the Austro-Hungarian Empire by assassinating the Archduke. |
Paul Robeson Paul Robeson was a very intelligent, gifted and multi-talented man who was never able to reach his full potential because of racial prejudice and his unpopular political beliefs. |
Peg Leg Sullivan Legend has it that Catharine O'Leary's cow started the Great Chicago Fire, but a colorful character by the name of Daniel "Peg Leg" Sullivan is the most likely suspect. |
Jim Thorpe Jim Thorpe was the greatest athlete of the 20th Century; some say the greatest athlete ever. |
The Vandals How the Roman Empire was Vandalized by a Germanic tribe who traveled throughout Western Europe and North Africa laying waste to everyone and everything in their path. |
Bill Wilson Bill Wilson founded Alcoholics Anonymous and developed the 12-step program that has helped millions around the world to overcome their addictions. |
Sergeant Alvin C. York The Reluctant Hero, Alvin York was a very humble man who wore the mantle of "war hero" with a quiet dignity, and who used his fame to help the people of Tennessee. |
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Ken Padgett
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